Thoughts On Icees

Icees are really great. Especially in the heat of Summer. But one thing really grinds my gears about them…

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying one of these refreshing treats, you’re well aware that once you get to the bottom something frustrating happens.

You can’t suck it!


This is the worst! You suck and get like an inch worth of Icee and then nothing. Tubes of air pockets form on the firm bottom. You have to constantly swoosh it around with your straw to break it up before you can suck more. And if you’re driving, forget about it!

IMG_0646Pay no attention to the fact that I got the huge one… but not being able to enjoy that last 4 ounces is infuriating.

Wawa, I hope you’re reading this. Please, make a change to physics or something to remedy this issue.


3 thoughts on “Thoughts On Icees

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  1. So so true, it is so irritating, especially since the last chunks or bits of any food taste the nicest. At this point even when I have all the sweet from the ice, still find it difficult disposing off the remaining ice…

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